Thursday, March 26, 2015

One Sick Day

Touch my neck, what do you feel? Heat.
 Observe my body language, and what do you observe? Weakness.

Yes, my fellow birds, I am sick.  I have no idea what got me into this state. The moment I woke up, my head was throbbing with a slight pain and felt it weighed 200 tons. I had the appetite to eat, but I was totally moody, as if I was on PMS. Wait, *counts the calendar
I think I really am in my PMS week, but that shouldn’t mean I should be this sick!
Good thing is that we’ll be having soup tonight. 

All throughout my childhood, I was not a sickly kid.  Besides the occasional cough, and runny nose, I don’t get fever often, and in fact, I’ve only vomited for like, four times in my entire lifetime. That’s why I always wonder why I get sick, because it really doesn’t occur to me always.

What are the things you usually do when you’re unwell? Based from my results today, I’ve slept more than 10 hours, and only woke up to eat, go to the bathroom, and well, this post is a proof that illness doesn’t stop me doing from the things I love to do.

Alright, so what is the connection with the doggy pic up there? My expression and are quite similar! I couldn’t spend long hours in front of the computer, I couldn’t go out, I couldn’t help mom at the store and  I couldn’t play with my younger sisters and dog; hence the sad face.
Pooch over there is named Chipy. He isn’t really my dog. My grandmother owned him, but then she passed away. Ever since, he’s with my grandfather now and my auntie. Among all the things my gran left behind, Chipy is our most valuable one. We recalled nights when gran was in bed, her illness invading her body at every second. Of course, we had to prohibit Chipy from entering that room. Poor guy would sleep by the foot of the door that when one would open the door, he’ll be there like a fluffy rag. Those doggy eyes that light up when he hears my gran’s faint voice.

Chippy had a son, named Poopie, who is now my dog! If you’re wondering how Poopie looks like, he looks exactly like his father! Now, my dog’s story. Poopie is the last among the five puppies Chip’s wife gave birth to. A couple months after they were born, there was this strange disease breaking out, and the former owners had very little knowledge in puppy disease. If you haven’t guessed already, I definitely took Poopie and brought him to our house. I remembered him being a very sick dog. Turns out that his condition was Diarrhea.

I recalled the nights I would keep a careful eye on his stool. There were the times when I would force a dropper full of water on him so he wouldn’t get dehydrated. I fed him milk, and cleaned his  cage, and would pet him on my lap wishing he’d be okay.

And he eventually became okay.

Now he’s a very active dog who’s very loud and playful but shuts up every time I sing to him. Weird, right? I mean, I didn’t know dogs can be in tuned to music too! He’s the first to greet me when I arrive home from school. The one very eager to kiss me with its pink, gooey tongue.

I’m so thankful to have a dog like him.
Most importantly, I wish gran’s soul peace and happiness, wherever she is right now, for she taught me how to love and care for others, even those who are not human. She exposed me to poverty, and didn’t raise me up to be the spoiled brat I was bound to be. I was her only grandchild, but she took me in as if I was her fourth child. All I can say is, without my grandma, I wouldn’t be the girl I am today.

I wish you to be healthy and well always, flockmates! J

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