Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What You See, You Become and Feel

Poverty is an issue in my country, the Philippines. I think my title’s concept really depends on the circumstances an individual face, but in this post, I’m basing it from my personal experiences.

My family currently belongs in the middle-class range. We could afford luxuries but there are times when we have to tighten our belts and take a watchful eye on the budget. I live in an isolated home all throughout my childhood. I rarely had friends, and I wasn’t involved in social stuff unless it was necessary for school. I also lived with my grandparents because my mom and dad was newlywed and was making ends meet. Gramp and Gran were of good grounds. They were very thrifty people and valued saving, and such. Because of their lifestyle, I was bound to be exposed to a classic senorita household.

But that was not my case.

My gran exposed me to simplicity, and the poverty in our society.

As I grew up, I spent time with my mom (My dad was an Overseas Filipino Worker.)

Having grown up in poverty and constant struggle, her values somehow radiated to me. Not only that, I was already born with a wondering mind and a desire to express my inner musings. I was a weird kid. Even until now, I think I’m still a weird teen. But enough being weird, there are more circumstances in my life which led me to who I am today.

The whole point of my post is simple: Exposure and Influence. I’m talking about the traits’ and values’ source. I can’t really say that some traits are really inborn. I mean, who are we to really know? Inborn or not, the beauty of it is that as long as the world is turning, there is always a chance for learning.

I’ve met hardwork all around me, both the actual action and its effect. I can’t say I’m bound to be a hardworking someday. Who am I really to know? I state again.

The very bottom line of the most bottom-est of the sea is this: It still is a matter of choice.

Like, seeing poverty through TV screens and reading it through the Internet may not help all the time. Every person is different. My title is proven to be wrong because it only states ‘seeing’. There is more to that. There is actually ‘being’.

Unfortunately, not everyone is naturally born sympathetic, emphatetic, etc. Sometimes, factors can lead to a person having personal problems. I know this because I’ve been there. There is always a reason why a person has become ‘mean’ and I’m not saying this only from a schoolkid perspective. Even the ‘mean’ people out there in the actual world.

At the end of the day (and my rant) I could reflect that we should always be mindful in whatever we do. Maybe we may break a person’s day, or possibly his life, or maybe we could make them smile and inspire them to change? Do actions that you would like to see in the world. It is always a choice starting from oneself. We all have power within all of us… How are you going to use yours?

More power to you, flockmates! :D 

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