Sunday, March 29, 2015

Rock Brother

We have a general items store. One can find hygienic products, fun snacks, soda, juice and more stuff in our store. It just so happened that the person mom hired to run the store is a surly teenager who has a habit of lying and ingratefulness. In the end, she got fired, and so I now work for our own family store. I’m actually glad to do so, it means the store shall be within my hands and control.

I get to work partime in the safety and comfort of home, ain’t that great? Another awesome thing is, mom transferred the desktop downstairs, so I can still keep in touch with my home within the monitor screen.

Aside from the awesome working conditions, I finally had the chance to speak to our neighbors and make friends, the first in the many years since we transferred in this neighborhood! Since our store was luckily situated adjacent to a basketball court, I often meet teenagers around my age, so yay! Of course, there are the flirty dudes, the teasers, the show-offs who lift their jerseys to hopefully capture me with their muscles. Calm down, bro, I’m just here for the work, not for you.

From the few days I’ve worked in this place, I’ve met this one person in particular who stood out from the other people I’ve met.

We connected by our same tastes in music. He was playing basketball at the other side of the street while I was blasting music from my phone to ease the boredom arising in me. He kept on singing while playing, and boy, his voice was pretty good! Twilight of that same day, he and his friends decided to hang around our store. (There is some kind of bench outside our store.) Of course, while they were talking, I was blasting my music and at the same time partly listening to their conversations.

Then it all became a blur. The next thing I knew was, I allowed him to choose the music to be played. Scanning through my vast music list was like exposing my whole self to him. My music can totally define my life, my personality, the things I’ve been through and well, I exposed to him my source of life: Music. The thing with this guy is, he totally loves rock. He can play the guitar and the drums, and is an excellent dancer as well! He’s got a unique addiction to mint candy too. The warm brown color of his eyes, his soothing presence and we share that bond brought by the bridges of music.

My friendship with him is more than just a mini-crush. He brought me back to rock. Carried me to who I really am. I’ve been daunting on listening to other genres because my closest friends  listen to them. In the process of being with those close friends, my music had been influenced into listening to their genre. Mintaholic dude, as what I decided to call him, made me realize to never lose touch with myself in the process of befriending others.

Unfortunately, all things must come to an end. Turns out he has a girlfriend, but it drives me mad everytime I catch him sneaking glances at me. His girl and he are long-distanced but they’re really strong over facebook. I have to distract myself with other things to cease these feelings from flowing through.

Sometimes, we meet people because they have to teach us a valuable lesson we need to learn, or to remind us of something we need to remember always. It has been a blessing meeting Mintaholic. I’m so glad to have been saved by my Rock Brother. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Getting my Reading Spree Back

I’m not much of an avid reader, but I realized something about myself this very day. I realized that I do not love to read because of the mere act of doing it, but I love the new insights I receive. Books carry you on a trip to anywhere! I was born with a vibrant imagination, and I think this is why I’m fascinated with words, and is interested in the art of crafting literary works.

I have a collection of encyclopedias in my room. Growing up, I was surrounded with books; hence I became aware of their importance and wonder. That collection gave me a good start for my preschool days up to elementary. Unfortunately, the spree ended when I was in 4th grade. Those were the times when I was driven by the writing spirit. I discovered the thrill of letting other people read the silly stories I wrote. Their reactions were interesting to watch, and I felt the fuzzy feelings one could get if someone actually liked something you created.

But anyway, I am trying to get my reading spree back. Those encyclopedia collections I have? I haven’t finished reading them yet. My goal is to fully explore it by the end of summer. 

What’s in it for the Nothingale? A lot, actually. For me, reading can be a powerhouse for inspiration. At the end of every passage, my mind savors the new knowledge like a piece of candy. From there, new wonders burst like geysers.

A while ago, I realized something else in my personal self.

Reading actually relaxes me.

So, yay! Plenty of stuff for this bird to sing about! (Or let’s say, rant about)  
Do you also like to read, flock mates? What do you think of encyclopedias?

Never stop the thirst for learning ~ 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

One Sick Day

Touch my neck, what do you feel? Heat.
 Observe my body language, and what do you observe? Weakness.

Yes, my fellow birds, I am sick.  I have no idea what got me into this state. The moment I woke up, my head was throbbing with a slight pain and felt it weighed 200 tons. I had the appetite to eat, but I was totally moody, as if I was on PMS. Wait, *counts the calendar
I think I really am in my PMS week, but that shouldn’t mean I should be this sick!
Good thing is that we’ll be having soup tonight. 

All throughout my childhood, I was not a sickly kid.  Besides the occasional cough, and runny nose, I don’t get fever often, and in fact, I’ve only vomited for like, four times in my entire lifetime. That’s why I always wonder why I get sick, because it really doesn’t occur to me always.

What are the things you usually do when you’re unwell? Based from my results today, I’ve slept more than 10 hours, and only woke up to eat, go to the bathroom, and well, this post is a proof that illness doesn’t stop me doing from the things I love to do.

Alright, so what is the connection with the doggy pic up there? My expression and are quite similar! I couldn’t spend long hours in front of the computer, I couldn’t go out, I couldn’t help mom at the store and  I couldn’t play with my younger sisters and dog; hence the sad face.
Pooch over there is named Chipy. He isn’t really my dog. My grandmother owned him, but then she passed away. Ever since, he’s with my grandfather now and my auntie. Among all the things my gran left behind, Chipy is our most valuable one. We recalled nights when gran was in bed, her illness invading her body at every second. Of course, we had to prohibit Chipy from entering that room. Poor guy would sleep by the foot of the door that when one would open the door, he’ll be there like a fluffy rag. Those doggy eyes that light up when he hears my gran’s faint voice.

Chippy had a son, named Poopie, who is now my dog! If you’re wondering how Poopie looks like, he looks exactly like his father! Now, my dog’s story. Poopie is the last among the five puppies Chip’s wife gave birth to. A couple months after they were born, there was this strange disease breaking out, and the former owners had very little knowledge in puppy disease. If you haven’t guessed already, I definitely took Poopie and brought him to our house. I remembered him being a very sick dog. Turns out that his condition was Diarrhea.

I recalled the nights I would keep a careful eye on his stool. There were the times when I would force a dropper full of water on him so he wouldn’t get dehydrated. I fed him milk, and cleaned his  cage, and would pet him on my lap wishing he’d be okay.

And he eventually became okay.

Now he’s a very active dog who’s very loud and playful but shuts up every time I sing to him. Weird, right? I mean, I didn’t know dogs can be in tuned to music too! He’s the first to greet me when I arrive home from school. The one very eager to kiss me with its pink, gooey tongue.

I’m so thankful to have a dog like him.
Most importantly, I wish gran’s soul peace and happiness, wherever she is right now, for she taught me how to love and care for others, even those who are not human. She exposed me to poverty, and didn’t raise me up to be the spoiled brat I was bound to be. I was her only grandchild, but she took me in as if I was her fourth child. All I can say is, without my grandma, I wouldn’t be the girl I am today.

I wish you to be healthy and well always, flockmates! J

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What You See, You Become and Feel

Poverty is an issue in my country, the Philippines. I think my title’s concept really depends on the circumstances an individual face, but in this post, I’m basing it from my personal experiences.

My family currently belongs in the middle-class range. We could afford luxuries but there are times when we have to tighten our belts and take a watchful eye on the budget. I live in an isolated home all throughout my childhood. I rarely had friends, and I wasn’t involved in social stuff unless it was necessary for school. I also lived with my grandparents because my mom and dad was newlywed and was making ends meet. Gramp and Gran were of good grounds. They were very thrifty people and valued saving, and such. Because of their lifestyle, I was bound to be exposed to a classic senorita household.

But that was not my case.

My gran exposed me to simplicity, and the poverty in our society.

As I grew up, I spent time with my mom (My dad was an Overseas Filipino Worker.)

Having grown up in poverty and constant struggle, her values somehow radiated to me. Not only that, I was already born with a wondering mind and a desire to express my inner musings. I was a weird kid. Even until now, I think I’m still a weird teen. But enough being weird, there are more circumstances in my life which led me to who I am today.

The whole point of my post is simple: Exposure and Influence. I’m talking about the traits’ and values’ source. I can’t really say that some traits are really inborn. I mean, who are we to really know? Inborn or not, the beauty of it is that as long as the world is turning, there is always a chance for learning.

I’ve met hardwork all around me, both the actual action and its effect. I can’t say I’m bound to be a hardworking someday. Who am I really to know? I state again.

The very bottom line of the most bottom-est of the sea is this: It still is a matter of choice.

Like, seeing poverty through TV screens and reading it through the Internet may not help all the time. Every person is different. My title is proven to be wrong because it only states ‘seeing’. There is more to that. There is actually ‘being’.

Unfortunately, not everyone is naturally born sympathetic, emphatetic, etc. Sometimes, factors can lead to a person having personal problems. I know this because I’ve been there. There is always a reason why a person has become ‘mean’ and I’m not saying this only from a schoolkid perspective. Even the ‘mean’ people out there in the actual world.

At the end of the day (and my rant) I could reflect that we should always be mindful in whatever we do. Maybe we may break a person’s day, or possibly his life, or maybe we could make them smile and inspire them to change? Do actions that you would like to see in the world. It is always a choice starting from oneself. We all have power within all of us… How are you going to use yours?

More power to you, flockmates! :D 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

When Anxiety Strikes

If there is one thing I wish to erase in this world, it would totally be Anxiety and Depression and all other mental illnesses.

They are evil clouds. The people they attack are pulled down, and they strike hard and even it isn't painful physically, it still has a great impact on the life they hurt. 

Those people may have dreams, principles, values, and they may have good hearts, are willing to help others and change the world. They have a huge capacity for love, their goals may help others, they might save lives, make others smile, comfort a hurting soul or are great powerhouse talented individuals.... 

All bombarded with the blight of Anxiety.

Awhile ago, another bout of Social Anxiety struck me while simply buying groceries. It was supposed to be a mall outing with me and my sisters.

But then my anxiety attacked.

These diseases of the mind prohibit me from being the best self there could be. I'm sure they do the same to thousands of people out there too. I mean, I can't live life simply staying at home! I want to go out, to make friends because I have a hundred dreams to fulfill and I wish to make others smile and be free! 

Anxiety should be brought to a stop. Because its one factor, a hindrance to promoting positive change in the world. Where in great people are afraid to fully release themselves. People with dreams. With passion and plans. Anxiety is a B and unlike Karma, it brings nothing good to our minds but negativity. Anxiety is good sometimes, yes. The classic Fight or Flight reaction... But if there is something I would like to add, it would be Free. Because besides from those two Fs, Anxiety holds back a person's freedom. 


I wish you all who are reading this happiness and an anxiety-free day :) 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Why Nest in Blogging, Arie?

You may all wonder why I decide to start a blog.

I'm wondering too, that's why I'm writing this xD

But set that aside, I'm going to do a bit of explaining.

First of all, I totally love writing. It had been my passion since birth and I think its the only thing I'm good at. (Does playing the Ukulele count?) I love to express myself through words. My mind is a deep well of thoughts, ideas and opinions that are always ready to flow from my fingers. To satisfy this need, I've had micro-blogging sites, but they were not enough.

Roar, call me hungry for more! Well, in connection to my first reason, my close internet friends complain of my... dramatically loooooong messages. I love long messages. I'm a sucker for it! I don't know, and they commented on how I could express my thoughts through words with such great ease. (Is it true?)  I'm not a perfect writer. I'm a suckish one actually.... (Undisciplined, lazy, uncommitted, not punctual)

Because of the awareness that I have the talent of creating long passages, I decided to start a blog.

So, what can I say from my first few seconds of blogging?

I think I'm loving it, and I could use this to practice my discipline skills. (Help me?)

Besides those reasons above, I also desire to meet like-minded people like me, who loves to rant about their lives to each other. Seriously, people may think that they might annoy me but hey, 'one can never annoy an annoying person'! I love to rant. Why should I not like to listen to long rants? Depends, though. Some rants turn to nags, and even if I'm a girl, I don't like listening to nags too.

Anyway, that's basically... it. xD

What about you? Have you experienced something similar? Have you found the place to host your interests?

Longing to hear you sing, and your reasons on why you opened a blog too! :)

Rise and Shine, Flockmates!

I am the Nothingale, bold and brave and dreaming in this whole new world of blogging and business and searching for worms. I hope I'll spend a lot of time in this, and would stick to be committed in blogging, as I have had previous experiences of suddenly disappearing from a blog. I am basically everywhere in the Internet, in FB, Twitter, Instagram, and I have a similarly-named blog on Tumblr but that is for another time.

Today, I ready my scissors to cut the great red ribbon of victory and start dashing towards nowhere in particular. I hope I make many friends here, and I hope I may inspire my readers as well and have them love me and love them and maybe we could hangout together someday or something!

Much, much love, Larrien :)